AvioSE'25, February, 25, 2025, Karlsruhe, Germany

Software development in the aerospace domain is driven by demanding fault tolerance, increasing complexity, new application potentials, rising certification effort, and increasing cost pressure. New software development methodologies are required for future applications such as e.g. Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), aircrew (workload) reduction, and further enhancement of existing functionality. At the same time, there are challenges in communication and navigation in airspace, certification for multi-core processors, artificial intelligence (AI) as well as security of software, hardware, and connectivity.



AvioSE'25 Deadline Extension

The paper submission deadline for the AvioSE'25 workshop is extend to Nov 11, 2024. We are looking forward to receiving your submissions.


AvioSE'25 CfP online

The CfP for the AvioSE'25 workshop is now online. We are looking forward to receiving your submissions.


AvioSE'25 accepted

AvioSE'25 was accepted as a workshop co-located with the SE'25. We are looking forward to your contribution and participation!


AvioSE'25 announced

We would like to inform you that we are planning AvioSE'25 in Karlsruhe. So far, the announcement and date are preliminary. We inform you, when our plans are confirmed.

Important dates

!!! Deadline Extension!!!

No 11, 2024 Paper submission deadline
Nov 28, 2024 Dec 5, 2024 Paper acceptance notification
Dec 09, 2024 Dec 16, 2024 Camera-ready paper deadline
Feb 25, 2025 Day of the workshop


Participation as an author or listener requires a registration at the hosting conference SE25.

Call for Papers ( PDF )

The objective of the workshop is the presentation of methods and technologies of the avionics domain. Topics of interest, but not limited to these, are:

Development technologies (e.g. model-based systems and software engineering):

Development methods (e.g. deployment of AI):

Quality assurance methods (e.g. model-based tests, formal methods):

Product technologies (e.g. applications of AI):

Vision papers

Type of submission and conditions

We welcome two kinds of contributions:

All accepted contributions will be published within the SE-workshop proceedings.

!!! Accepted contributions must be presented by one of the authors in person. One author must be registered for the workshop or full SE before the final manuscript deadline!!!

How to Contribute?

The papers must follow LNI formatting guidelines.

The papers are to be submitted using EasyChair. If you do not have an EasyChair account, you need to create a new one. The text of the abstract should not exceed 200 words.

Assessment and Selection of Submissions

The requested submissions lie in the field of expertise of the Organisation and Program Committee. They are assessed according to the following scientific criteria:


The workshop is an all-day event. It is a mini-conference giving space to the authors of the accepted papers to present their work. Moreover, invited experts give insights on important avionics topics in keynote presentations. Last, a panel session with experts is organized for exchanging experiences and fostering the network. The workshop language is English. The program is compiled after the acceptance of contributions.


To contact the organizers, send an email to Andreas Schweiger: andreas.schweiger[at]airbus.com.

Workshop chairs

Dr. Andreas Schweiger, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
Prof. Umut Durak, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Marina Reich, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Technische Universität Chemitz
Prof. Björn Annighöfer, Universität Stuttgart

Program committee

Dr. Andreas Schweiger, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Umut Durak, DLR Braunschweig
Prof. Björn Annighöfer, Universität Stuttgart
Marina Reich, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Technische Universität Chemitz
Prof. Dr. Peter Stütz, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Prof. Dr. Ralf God, Technische Universität Hamburg
Dr.-Ing. Martin Halle, Hamburg University of Technology
Dr. Winfried Lohmiller, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
Dr. Christian Meißner, Volkswagen AG
Stéphane Poulain, Airbus Operations GmbH
Deni Raco, RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Voss, FH Aachen



Will follow after the workshop.

Past Editions

AvioSE'24 Co-located with SE Linz, Austria
AvioSE'23 Co-located with SE Paderborn, Germany
AvioSE'22 Co-located with SE virtual
AvioSE'21 Co-located with SE virtual
AvioSE'20 Co-located with SE in Innsbruck, Austria
AvioSE'19 Co-located with SE in Stuttgart, Germany